Find your Fam
Pillars of Interest?
1 : Prefers staying in. Mainly hangs out in private.
10 : Prefers to go out. Mainly hangs out in public.

Ian and Sandra
Hellloooo, we're sandra and ian! We are really all over the place for our interests so we're down to do almost ANYTHING. We love going out to eat, playing sports, and going to concerts (mainly sandra)!! If that sounds, like fun, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! But in all seriousness, don't hesitate to reach out to us to get to know us better. Hope to talk to y'all soon :P

Bonnie and Will
hii future adings😼! it’s bonnie, emily, and will🤭we’re so excited to meet you and play pickleball, collect smiskis/sony angels/labubus😈and go out to eat🙂if you’re looking for a fam that’s always down to hangout, whether it’s playing league, spilling tea, or pcl sessions, our fam is for you🤓! come be a part our big-back fam for endless laughs, questionable decisions, and core memories🤠🙈
find us on ig @bonnielauuu @emilyyy.trinh @willkung72

Harean and Khoa
hi future adings!! we’re soso excited to meet you guys and can’t wait to hang with yall soon 🥹! we’re a lil trio of spontaneous, fun, and chill friends, ready to pick up a cute lil fam to tag along on our adventures and become your second family! a little bit about us is that we’re all big rave/ concert luvrs, being the degenerate nerds playing league till 3am, grabbing tacos for post games, and winning the biggest big back award 😼
individually, hi!! im harean, and ill be your future ate 🫶🏼 im currently a junior, majoring in graphic design and i love cafe/ boba hopping, doing cute craft/ artsy things, binge watching 8 eps kdrama series, and late night yap sessions hehe// Hi I’m Alex and I’ll be one of y’all’s future kuyas! I’m a junior econ major and I love being active and playing sports. I also enjoy traveling, eating, and playing games and look forward to meeting yall soon!// hi future adings! im khoa, one of your future kuyas! 😁im a junior in archi engineer from dallas and i enjoy playing sports like volleyball/ flag football, going on spontaneous plans with friends, playing games, and rotting in bed! can’t wait to meet yall and i’m sure the semester will be a lot of fun with us as your kuya/ate! 🙂↕️🙂↕️
again, we can’t wait to meet you guys soon and don’t hesitate to reach out to us :”)! we promise we don’t bite…(maybe ur kuyas tho 😹)